RPH   vermutlich Rotations - Photo Leipzig

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Karten ab 1900, von Signatur Verwand mit Ph  Photochemie, Berlin               

            neben NPG mein zweites Sammelgebiet,  Meine Fehlliste



                Nr. 51 (frueheste AK d. Sammlung) 1900                                   Nr.59 (Logo im Kreis) ca.1910                                                                                                   



RPH Logo 1 Karten ohne (S) bis 9900 1900-1905                    Logo 2   S-Serien-Nr. untere Nr. aufsteigend

  sehr viel Material vom Atelier Reutlinger                   vorwiegend 6er Serien bis ca. S 237




Logo 2a (Serien-Nr. + Karten-Nr. neben Kreis)




Photos from Traut Paris, published by RPH

remember : before WW I the German Industrie was the most fastest growing in the World

also nearly 75 % of all Postcards,which are selled around the World are printed in Germany

Searching for more Informations about PC-Industrie



                        Logo 3  "S"eriennr.- / Karten-Nr. 1-6


